Through my current limited experience in web development I’ve had some experience creating websites through Graphic User Interface IDE’s, HTML, CSS and Semantic UI. Through my eyes as a novice, I see the development of a website via a Graphic User Interface IDE as the quickest and easiest way to develop a website. Especially since most, if not all the work can be done simply by dragging and dropping objects onto a screen and assigning properties to them in simple text box, menu interfaces.
However, learning UI frameworks like Semantic UI is still highly recommended at the very least for the benefit of easy portability between different operating systems. UI Frameworks will often offer functions which make it easy to create webpages which will display differently for different devices without the need of writing multiple versions of the same code for different devices. HTML and CSS don’t offer this portability and this lack of easy portability would create more work and future maintenance which just doesn’t seem feasible or at least unnecessary for individuals and smaller groups or companies.
From my experience with Semantic UI, it was much easier to learn than the usual programming language. It tended to be a bit more forgiving in its implementation and easier to debug. However, this is probably due to the fact that currently creating websites have limited scope in functionality unlike creating programs which have virtually infinite functionality. So I highly recommend taking the time to learn some UI Frameworks,