
20 Oct 2016

My first, two week experience with the Meteor framework was a somewhat rough one. Despite being somewhat accustomed to being thrust directly into working with a new language as has been happening with learning JavaScript, HTML, Semantic UI and a few other languages in my ICS 314 course. Meteor has been the toughest to wrap my brain around.

It’s different but don’t be afraid to learn it

What made working with Meteor significantly more difficult than working with other languages was Meteors syntax. Typically through my college career all the languages I had to learn were either very simple making it easy to learn and a lot of time was spent learning it, or the syntax was similar to many of the other programming languages I’ve gone through in a previous classes making it easy to pick up. However this wasn’t the case with Meteor, the learning process had us working with concepts I had no prior experience with. It’s not your typical programming language. In fact, it may not even be your typical Web Framework. After getting my head wrapped around how files were structured and worked with each other which was difficult enough, I had to wrap my head around the syntax. However, practice makes perfect and that might be the best someone can do when trying Meteor for the first time.

In the end it’s a good thing. Although, basic concept differences between Meteor and conventional Web Frameworks was simple enough to understand. The differences being the process of how a users computer communicates with a webserver, and how the process allows websites to act more like functioning programs thereby potentially adding more functions to a typical website setup. So, I think that’s great and I’m sure I would appreciate this new Framework more if I had more prior experience with other old Frameworks.