
04 Sep 2016

They’re everywhere.

Electronic devices are become an almost integral part of society. Many businesses need these various electronic devices in order to be relevant in the world and sometimes they need them to even function. In fact, along with the growing use and need of technology in the business world, there’s the growing use and need of technology in people’s personal lives. However in my opinion, technology is a tool and a tool is only as good as how you use it. It can be used to make things more efficient, it can be used to make people lazy, or it can be used to add a new aspect to the world that was. But at the core of all this technology is the actual software which controls what any electronic device will do. Thus learning more about anything software related would be helpful in being relevant in the job market and help with molding existing technology to fit my personal needs. And that was my train of thought when signing up for the ICS 314 course I’m currently in.

What do I want?

So far, given the structure and teaching methods of the ICS 314 “Software Engineering” course, it’s a bit enlightening to some degree. So far the class has been more hands on, with the focus on preparing for the professional world rather than focusing on theory and practice on the subject matter of the course, making it a little better than your standard college course. This high focus on the professional world is what interests me much more now, as it’s something that seems would be much more difficult to research and prepare for on my own. Of course, I hope as I go through this course and my professional life I’ll learn more techniques involving actual software engineering, programming techniques or otherwise. There are so many possible details and aspects involving technology and software engineering that I haven’t thought about, considered, or just overlooked and there are just so many things I don’t know that I hope to pick up as many of those things throughout this class. Whether it be engraining good habits during teamwork situations through consistent practice through the class, or even skills like being able to work under pressure through the current practice of attempting to finish problems under a short timeline.

What I hope.

However, I’m not just hoping to learn good professional habits and skills through this course. I’m hoping that in the future of this course and life I’m able to make new friends and meet new and talented people because who doesn’t want to make more friends? Also, I’m hoping to learn any programming techniques, I would like to learn googles algorithm to their search engine if I could.