
01 Sep 2016

Anyone Can Learn It.

From a newbie’s standpoint, JavaScript may be a language that everyone should learn. However, at the time of this writing, my viewpoints and experience of JavaScript is limited to the basic knowledge taken from the “Basic JavaScript” challenges offered at “” and a short 13 minute power point presentation webcast by my current professor. Although I am a newbie at JavaScript, I am not a newbie to programming in general. My college life has had me playing around a bit with languages such as Visual Basic, Java, C, C++, and Lisp, even some older languages such as Cobol. So I’m able to do a little compare and contrast between what I have learned so far of JavaScript and a few other languages. Now why did I tell you all of that? Because every now and then I want to seem smart and attempt to show off a little, also I wanted to give a poor attempt at letting you know that anyone can learn JavaScript. But mostly I wanted to try to seem intelligent for a little while.

But why should you learn it?

Anyways the big questions for any programmer, aspiring or professional would probably be “Should I learn Java Script” and “Why?”. The simple answer to that is “Yes”, and “why not?”. The more complex answer to the first question is still Yes. And the answer to the second question is a little more complicated. The main reason I answered with a “why not?” is because if you’ve already learned a programming language, then learning JavaScript should be an easy experience. Java Script is extremely similar to other languages in syntax and structure like Java or C and C++, however it’s simpler and less nitpicky and complicated. For me, JavaScript took away all the unnecessary details, like different variable initializations and made programming a little more like how I imagined programming would be after my first day in my first programming class. If programming was like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, usually at the very least we’d have to ask the computer to get bread which is an instance of wheat, get jelly which is an instance of jelly, and get peanut butter which is an instance of nuts or something. While JavaScript Allows us to make things less complicated by just asking the computer to get bread, peanut butter and jelly. And DONE. Besides that, JavaScript is seemingly often recommended as essential for web developers, and as a way to dynamically evolve your programs once you’ve made them. As such JavaScript is a tool that every programmer including myself should have experience with.

Athletic Engineering. The way to learn.

Athletic engineering is a learning method where you attempt to train yourself to a routine. Often when midterm and finals week come by, students are stressing out. Especially during the tests students are stressed, by the worries of not being able to solve the given problems, and worries of not being able to finish on time. And all the stress and worries often work against the students even throughout midterm and finals week by leading not little sleep, and the inability to properly think due to the stress and worries. Athletic Engineering is the learning method in an attempt to counter this by having students solve various problems over and over until they can solve it under a given time limit. It’s a method we’re using in class right now and I believe it will work. As we have to expose ourselves to the material we’re learning over and over again while making sure we are able to do it in a fashion that has us finishing fairly quickly. This way students will develop and gain confidence in their knowledge and abilities and during tests, will have the confidence and knowledge to do well.